Filtering by: Community Events

Supervisor Dennis Rodoni-Spring Office Hours
3:00 PM15:00

Supervisor Dennis Rodoni-Spring Office Hours

Supervisor Dennis Rodoni invites you to his Community Spring Office Hours for Tomales and Dillon Beach. Supervisor Rodoni will share important county updates and host community conversations on issues important to you!

For more information or a private appointment, please contact Rhonda Kutter, or (415) 473-3246.

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Community Potluck + Pig Roast / Compartiendo Un Platillo en Comunidad + Cerdo Asado
1:00 PM13:00

Community Potluck + Pig Roast / Compartiendo Un Platillo en Comunidad + Cerdo Asado

Traer un platillo para compartir.
Una rebanada de cerdo cocinando
A fuego lento es gratis para todos.
De Clark Summit Farm

Musica con vida en vivo.
Cerveza y vino estará en venta
Debajo del buckeye.

Bring a dish to share.
A slo-cooked slice
Of Clack Summit Farm
pork is free for all.

Beer + Wine for sale
Lively local music
Under the buckeye.

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Third Annual Grandmother's Table / La Mesa de las Abuelas
6:00 PM18:00

Third Annual Grandmother's Table / La Mesa de las Abuelas

A potluck. In the tradition of your grandmother's table. Trae un platillo para compartir un sabor de su tradicion.

An Invitation. Una invitacion.

To gather together. To share more than food. Old recipes can become new stories. Meet new and old friends. Para reunirse. Comparte más que comida. Viejas recetas pueden llegar a ser nuevos cuentos. Conosca nuevos y viejos amigos.

Join friends and neighbors as we gather to nourish our community with food and story. More new and exciting activities are planned for the third annual La Mesa including a Tomales Elementary School student art show, a tortilla-making demonstration, and a performance by our local area Aztec dancers.

A collaboration of West Marin Community Services, Shoreline Unified School District, and the Tomales Town Hall.

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Shoreline Acres Preschool Crab Feed 2019
5:00 PM17:00

Shoreline Acres Preschool Crab Feed 2019

Join us for an evening of CRAB, tasty PASTA, crisp SALAD, and delectable DESSERT! No host bar through the evening, please no outside beverages.

Acompáñenos a este evento de CANGREJO FRESCO, deliciosa PASTA, ENSALADA crujiente, y rico POSTRE! No habrá anfitrión de bar durante el evento, por favor no bebidas de fuera.

  • Early Seating/Cena Temprana: 5:00 - 6:30 PM

  • Late Seating/Cena Tarde: 7:00 - 8:30 PM

  • Drive Through/Conduzca: 5:00 - 6:00 PM

There will also be a 50/50 raffle and silent auction with wonderful local items.

Tickets and more info ▷

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Tomales Volunteer Fire Company Country Breakfast
7:30 AM07:30

Tomales Volunteer Fire Company Country Breakfast

Tomales Volunteer Fire Company (TVFC) presents their annual Country Breakfast and fundraiser.

They'll be serving up pancakes, French toast, fruit salad, sliced ham, K&A Take Away breakfast sausage and more. Discover their new raffle, see Smokey Bear, and support our local volunteers!

Adults - $7, children 12 and under - $4

All proceeds help purchase essential equipment for the public safety of our West Marin community.

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