Join your neighbors in Supporting the hall
Neighbors at our annual Christmas Cheer gathering.
Tomales Town Hall is one of the oldest continuously operating community buildings in California. How fortunate we are to be using this tangible and functional piece of the region’s early history, and to share in its well-being!
Please help us once again. Join our past and current neighbors by donating funds or volunteering.
1. Friends of Tomales Town Hall
Use the form below to contribute to the on-going maintenance of the Town Hall. Options include giving in memory of a family member or loved one.
Contribute to the fund to help pay for the major renovation of the Tomales Town Hall: Repairing, bringing up to code and updating the 150-year-old community center.
3. Tomales Town Hall Legacy Society
Did you know you can leave Tomales Town Hall a donation in your will? Legacy giving, sometimes referred to as “planned giving,” is a gift, a bequest, made by an individual through a will or other formal designation. Legacy gifts are typically prepared with a financial planner and are meant to reflect the values and desires of you, the donor.
Legacy giving can take a number of forms. The gifts do not need to be monetary and can include material goods, property, stocks—items that might reflect your values or the value that you have attributed to Tomales Town Hall and the surrounding community.
Read more and then talk to your financial or estate planner to find out how to set this up.
4. The Gift of Time
Become a board member, a volunteer, or sponsor an event. Find out how to get involved here.
Auction at the Tomales Town Hall Pig Roast Fundraiser, with Bert Crews (l) and auctioneer (r), 2009.
Create Your Legacy
A gift for Tomales Town Hall in your will, trust or other plans will ensure that this critical community resource — indeed, the heart of the community — will be viable for years to come. There are many different ways you can arrange a meaningful gift to Tomales Town Hall; we have described the most common gifts below.
If you are considering a legacy gift, we would be delighted to confidentially discuss your questions. If you have already included Tomales Town Hall in your plan, please let us know so that we can thank you and invite you to join our Tomales Town Hall Legacy Society. Either way, please contact Financial Advisor and Tomales Town Hall board member John Tornes at email [mailto:] or call him at (415) 897-2199. Of course, we always recommend you work with your financial or legal advisors to determine which gift(s) is most appropriate for you.
Tomales Town Hall is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and our taxpayer identification number is 94-2789946.
Legacy Options
Through a Will or Trust
This is one of the most common types of legacy gifts. You can arrange to leave Tomales Town Hall a specific dollar amount or asset, a percentage of your estate, or the remainder after specific gifts to loved ones have been made.
Retirement Plan or Life Insurance
You can name Tomales Town Hall as the beneficiary of your individual retirement account (IRA), 401(k), 403(b), donor advised fund (DAF), life insurance policy or other account. These gifts are easy to arrange or modify. Simply complete a beneficiary designation form from your plan administrator to name Tomales Town Hall a beneficiary of all or part of your retirement account or life insurance policy. If the retirement assets are tax-deferred, the portion left to Tomales Town Hall will not be subject to tax.
Real Estate
There are several options for donating real property that Tomales Town Hall will sell to fund our work. Donate your land now, or leave it to Tomales Town Hall after your lifetime through your will or trust. You may also be able to donate a remainder interest that allows you to continue using your property for the rest of your life or transfer your property into a charitable remainder trust that provides you with income for the rest of your life.
Gifts That Provide You Income
It is possible to establish a gift with cash, appreciated securities or real estate that will support Tomales Town Hall in the future. These options can provide you or a loved one with regular payments, a significant charitable income tax deduction and avoidance of all or part of capital gain taxes.
We Want to Thank You
If you have included a gift for Tomales Town Hall in your estate plan, please let us know so that we can thank you for your special commitment. We will be honored to include you as a member of our Tomales Town Hall Legacy Society, anonymously if you prefer.
Useful Information for Advisors
Our official name is: Tomales Town Hall
Street Address: 27150 Maine Street, Tomales, CA 94971
Mailing address: P.O. Box 251, Tomales, CA 94971
Phone: (707) 878-2838
Taxpayer identification number: 94-2789946
Scott Lawson in his ’59 Porsche 356 with Cleo & Juliet Hadid. Tomales Founders’ Day Parade, date unknown.
Banner (top): Caption if necessary.