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La Mesa de las Abuelas / Grandmother's Table

Una Cena para Conectar Comunidades

Venga y acompañe sus vecinos mientras nos reunimos a compartir comida e historias para poder comprendernos mejor y entender nuestras culturas.

Por favor traiga un platillo principal o otro adicional que le recuerde a su abuelita, y que sea hecho utilizando ingredientes que vienen de la riqueza y sabiduría de su cultura.

Traiga comida como para 10-12 personas y no se le olvide de la receta!

Se requiere reservaciones:
Mattie Ivy Leeds (707) 878-2006 <>
Cristina Salcedo (707) 878-2105 <>

Una colaboración de West Marin Community Services, Shoreline Unified School District, y Tomales Town Hall.

Bridging Communities Potluck

Come join your neighbors as we gather together to share food and stories to better understand each other and our cultures. Bring a main or side dish (enough to serve 10 to 12) that reminds you of your grandmother and is made using ingredients from the richness and wisdom of your culture. Don't forget to bring the recipe.

A collaboration of West Marin Community Services, Shoreline Unified School District, and the Tomales Town Hall.

RSVPs required. Contact:

Mattie Ivy Leeds at 707.878.2006 <>
Cristina Salcedo at 707.878.2105 <>

Earlier Event: October 11
Open Mic
Later Event: October 27
Halloween Costume Ball