The Patio Potluck: a symbolic ground breaking of Rejuvenation's Phase One and a communication of ideas
As an introduction to our still-forming Rejuvenation plans, the TTH trustees and volunteers are busy preparing for an afternoon of visiting, music, and an informal presentation of concepts and ideas for the project. Our just-finished promotional video will debut, and we’ll have a few drawings and simple mock-ups of what we are considering.
Come to the Hall on Sunday afternoon, September 17, beginning at 3:00. Bring a dish to share along with your thoughts and questions.
I am happy to say that the planning grant for engineering consultation, submitted to the National Trust in early summer, was recently approved. This is encouraging news on several levels. It is a very competitive process. The acceptance is an honor for the Hall, a confirmation that we are on the right track, and of course a boost to our fundraising endeavor.
The first step of actual “construction” will be grading the south side of the Buckeye lot in preparation for the patio. (We have consulted an arborist for advice about protection of the Buckeye tree, and our timing depends on its complete dormancy.)
Here will be a small patio and a low, stepped retaining wall. The south basement wall will be rebuilt with plenty of windows and glazed doors to give natural light and easy access between the patio and the lower level meeting space and kitchen.
To enhance the basement’s layout for meetings and informal gatherings — and to increase options for communication and natural light to the south —the kitchen will move toward the back of the room, and will also have some long-needed updates.
We hope to see you at the ceremonial ground breaking and introduction to Rejuvenation’s Phase One on Sunday, September 17th. It should be a lively afternoon full of inspiration and ideas, questions, answers, and forward looks to the Rejuvenation of this special historic resource.